Now, open those dirty restroom doors with your foot!

“Monk”, the obsessive compulsive detective, will love this invention.
Steve Arnold and Leighton Harvey from Arilington, Texas have invented Footpull, a device which allows you to use your feet to open restroom doors. So, you don’t need to use your hands to open those dirty restroom doors, and worry constantly about contamination of your hands!

The Footpull is fastened to the door’s bottom. It is like a handle for your foot. Arnold and Harvey plans to develop one for refrigerator doors as well.

The Footpull web page is available here.

Feedback: please send your feedback at: info at intellectualvillage dot com – we will greatly appreciate it!

Save your car’s bumper with Bumper Badger

Robert Tekavec has a solution for your parking nightmare of someone hitting your car’s bumper while parking carelessly. He has developed the Bumper Badger, which saves your car’s back from aggressive drivers.

Bumper Badger looks like a rubber doormat. It is tied by nylon straps to the inside of the trunk. Whenever the bumper needs to be protected, you just need to flip it out. The device basically drapes over your rear bumper, so that it is protected from potential damage caused by people parking too close.

Feedback: please send your feedback at: info at intellectualvillage dot com – we will greatly appreciate it!