Invention: Pills made out of Walnut to cure erectile dysfunction
Inventors: Kim Kah Hwi and other researchers
Inventors’ location: Malaysia
Kim Kah Hwi, the head of research team at the University of Malaysia, likes to read articles. And when he came across some articles explaining how ancient Romans and the French used to eat Walnut pills for curing erectile dysfunction, his interest was piqued. What is good for them, should be good for the rest of the world, he thought.
For the next two years, Kim and his team of researchers spent their time trying to invent a tablet containing mainly Walnut extract. The result is N-Hanz. The tablet was tested on around 40 volunteers, and the results have been mostly positive.
Kim claims that since it is not a drug, it is safe for those with hypertension, diabetes, etc.
The active ingredient of the tablet is arginine, an amino acid. This is absorbed into the body and converted into nitric oxide, resulting in enlargement of blood vessels.
N-Hanz has been approved by the health ministry of Malaysia, and it has won the gold medal for best invention at a recent Malaysian technology and invention exhibition. Will it be successful in the world market? Well, we will know the tide has turned when the day comes, when the number of spam mails promoting N-Hanz outnumbers those promoting Viagra!
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