Compulift – Invention for easier laptop computer usage in airplanes

Inventor: Gerald Anderson
Invention: Compulift
Inventor’s location: Richmond, USA.

The invention, Compulift, will make lap top computer use easier for airplane passengers, according to its inventor. Gerald Anderson, the inventor, has been working as an information technology professional for the last 20 years, and has been a frequent air traveler. So, he has known first-hand the difficulty to Continue reading

Top inventions of 2007

Inventors from all over the world rack their brains and come up with inventions which are interesting or silly or both every year. The inventions of 2007 were no different. New Scientist Tech, a magazine which has been there since 1956, has created a list which they think represent the top 10 inventions of 2007.
They have determined this by analyzing Continue reading